Brette + David | Couple Portrait Session

You know those people who you just know you’re going to be friends with for forever? For me, that person is Brette! As I started writing this blog post, I realized that she and I have been friends for almost 19 YEARS! It really is crazy how fast time goes by.

It’s funny because I remember how I met most of my close friends from childhood. With Brette, I honestly just remember us always being friends! We went to school together from elementary school through high school, were walking partners for high school graduation and have even been coworkers. She’s my best friend and I’m so grateful for her!

I met David several years ago when he and Brette started dating and I right away thought they were a perfect pair! Their personalities really compliment each other. Plus, they’re funny, so photogenic (honestly, they could be models) and truly wonderful people!

About a week ago, they got engaged and I am so happy for them! Congratulations, Brette and David! I’m so excited for you two!



Kristen's Uptown Gig Harbor Senior Session


Launching Monica Veles Photography